This page was last updated: January 22, 2024
Always unplug your lamp prior to inspecting (If you do not feel comfortable doing this, take your lamps to a lamp shop to be check from time to time)
Basic table lamp
Look over your lamp for any visual problems!
Things to check for a single socket basic table lamp

Things to look for:

Stiffness (Cord should be pliable)

Damaged insulation (Especially if you have a pet, some will chew on the cord 

and unless you look carefully you may not notice)

Non-polarized plugs should be up graded to a polarized plugs (will not effect
the operation of your lamp but will provide an additional degree of safety)
Refer to plug replacement!

Things to look for:

Metal clip together and cast brass screw together socket

Outside should not be bent, crimped, smashed or loose upper socket shell
Remove bulb look inside the socket is it burnt, is there corrosion or are
there cracks in the bottom.

Skip to next step if socket is keyless

Turn knob, push thur or pull chain does it turn, push both ways or pull

The paper insulator is it burnt or dark brown (should be the color of a
brown paper bag).

Loose socket (a loose socket will make it possible for the cord to be
twisted in side the lamp this can be a serious hazard you may not be able
to see without disassembling the socket and pulling up the cord).
Phenolic/Plastic Socket

Loose fit cap to shell (lower and upper outer socket).

Remove bulb look inside the socket is it burnt, is there corrosion or are
there cracks in the bottom.

Skip to next step if socket is keyless

Turn knob, push thur or pull chain does it turn, push both ways or pull
If everything looks good install appropriate bulb (do not exceed wattage rating)
Things to look for:

Turn on and off or low medium high and off, does the socket function
If any of the above step are not satisfactory you will need to correct the problem or
have a qualified repair person do the job for you! Do not use a lamp that is unsafe!
Basic two lite table lamp (usually a top or main socket that also controls a lower night lite socket)
Follow all of the steps for a basic table lamp plus the steps below
Lower socket for lamps with a second socket

Things to look for:

Look at the socket or sockets for cracks or chips

Look inside is it burnt or corroded

Look at the wires are the stiff, frayed, nicked or loose
If everything looks good install appropriate bulb (do not exceed wattage rating)

Things to look for:

Turn on to all positions, does the 2 circuit socket turn on and off both bulbs,
should function smoothly
If your lamp has a separate 2 circuit switch that operates the sockets check it as step
If any of the above step are not satisfactory you will need to correct the problem or have a qualified repair person do the job for you! Do not use a lamp that is unsafe!
Rands Creative Creations Harold Rand Enterprises
3729 Freeman Rd Jacksonville FL 32207
904 398 7925